Etobicoke Temple was formed from the merger of Dovercourt Citadel and Rexdale Corps.
Former Etobicoke Temple Officers
Majors Bruce & Miriam Robertson 1974 – 1976
Majors Kenneth & Esther Holbrook 1976 – 1981
Captains Len & Carol Pearo 1981 – 1983
Majors Peter & Esther Roed 1983 – 1985
Majors Malcolm & Florence Webster 1985 – 1986
Majors Robert & Grace McMeechan 1986 – 1988
Majors Harold & Helen Robbins 1988 – 1989
Lieutenant Bonnie Squires 1992
Majors Harvey & Doreen Canning 1992 – 1994
Captains James & Darlene Stoops 1994 – 1999
Captains Ken & Colleen Kimberley 1999 – 2001
Majors Randy & Sue-Ann Hicks 2001 – 2004
Majors Robert & Sophie Gilbert 2004 – 2008
Captains Richard & Elaine Honcharsky 2008 – 2012
Majors Kester & Kathryn Trim 2012 – 2018
Lieutenant Colonels David & Marsha Bowles 2018 – 2020
Majors Robert & Dana Reid 2020 – Present
Etobicoke Temple Dedicates Refurbished War Memorial
To mark the end of the First World War, many corps across Canada dedicated memorials to their fallen soldiers and those who returned home. In 1920, Toronto’s Dovercourt Citadel erected a new pulpit to honour the corps’ 57 people who had served, including three who had made the ultimate sacrifice. A similar memorial was added following the Second World War and both were displayed at Etobicoke Temple from 1969 until they were retired to The Salvation Army Archives in 2014.
In November 2015, a new memorial was dedicated at Etobicoke Temple by Major Kester Trim, CO, that incorporates the refurbished pulpit, the names from the original two memorials and the names of those who served in the military and attended the corps in the intervening years. JoAnne Gilroy, daughter of the late Jeanne and Adrian Van Raalte of Etobicoke Temple, was present for the occasion. Adrian Van Raalte served with the Dutch Resistance throughout the Second World War.